
I used to say that anyone that hits 200lbs and doesn’t see that as a warning sign, an indication they need to change something in their life, just doesn’t care about their weight. Well, today I stepped on the scale and smiling back at me in bright OLED glory was the figure 245.9lbs… A far… Continue reading 245.9

Two More Fruit Trees

Planted two more fruit trees today, 4/28/2024. Both are multi-varietal and self-pollinating. So if they survive they should bear fruit. Additionally, the Mcintosh and Red Delicious varieties can pollinate our existing Wolf River apple tree. One of the grafted branches is actually already in bloom.. The Van and Lambert cherries may be able to pollinate… Continue reading Two More Fruit Trees

Fermentations 2023

Now that we are back home and we *gasp* have an actual pantry/kitchen closet for the first time, I’ve gone ahead and harvested some veggies to kick off fermentation season 2023! This year I’m doing a large batch of store bought orange bell pepper and habenero, with a smaller (due to yield) batch of home… Continue reading Fermentations 2023

I’ve got a gripe with Doctor Strange 2 (in The Multiverse of Madness).

I’ve got a gripe with Doctor Strange 2… Sure, it seems like a minor thing and to casual viewers I’m sure they would never even notice. Out of my party of four I’m the only one who even understood the reference, nevermind what was lost as a result. It’s almost a throw-away line in a… Continue reading I’ve got a gripe with Doctor Strange 2 (in The Multiverse of Madness).

Cyborg Augmentations v0.2

Electronics work is nearly complete for the wrist mounted life tracker. It’s achieved 100% functionality, and honestly much quicker than expected. It was fast enough that I plan to expand functionality beyond initial goals.. Just not sure exactly WHAT to expand it’s capabilities to yet.. Right now functionality of the device includes: Properly connecting to… Continue reading Cyborg Augmentations v0.2

Feasting on the Flesh of a Black Cow: Diet Detour #2

Saturdays remain “cheat” days in our household. My chance to set aside my normal low-calorie high-protein diet and strap on the feed bag for whatever I want on my plate. Today, it was a burger. Not just any burger though, we took the opportunity to try another local establishment that’s new to our family, Black… Continue reading Feasting on the Flesh of a Black Cow: Diet Detour #2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge (Trailer)

News today in the turtle realm, there’s a new “16-bit”-esque beat’em up coming out for PC and Consoles. The trailer went for an interesting angle, remixing the ’87 turtles cartoon theme and laying it over all new animation and a tone that’s closer to the ’03 turtles.. I can dig it, but time will tell… Continue reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge (Trailer)