Handy Dandy Robot Pals – Part 1: Planning

The goal for 2024 will be to create a household robot. One with actual utility that helps solve a household problem for me. Step 1? What do I even have for problems! In order to be useful and carry actual utilitarian merit (and thus justify paying to recharge it’s battery) I first need to identify some potential uses this robot could have.

Additionally, and just as importantly, what is a robot? Sure I could slap a raspberry pi in front of my washer to keep an eye on it and tell me when the tone goes off to indicate it’s done… I’ve done that before.. But is that a “robot”, in the true sense of the term? To me it comes down to how the computer functions that makes it a full fledged robot, vs just a program. Think Roomba vs Gyrobot

  • Mobility:
    • Moves under it’s own power.
    • Moves as a result of it’s own logic.
  • Logic:
    • Reports battery status -or- recharges autonomously.
    • Detects if it’s function must be performed via enviromental sensors/inputs.

This will be a live document to track some potential use cases and robot attributes, as they occur to me.

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