PIzza, again? Well, yeah, I told you kid I’ve got a pizza streak a mile long and it’s not stopping anytime soon. Anyways, we baked some thin chicken breast to eat with lunch and there was some left over, which was the perfect opportunity to try out a jar of Buffalo Pizza sauce I picked… Continue reading Buffalo Chicken Pizza Recipe
Category: Uncategorized
IDW TMNT – 3/8/21 Additions
Adding 5 more to the collection today, all from eBay. Couple of nice Eastman covers will all four turtles and a GORGEOUS sub cover on #59! That may be my favorite cover of the series… Maybe. There’s still 13 more issues I’m waiting on to arrive in the mail… Then 14 more I haven’t actually… Continue reading IDW TMNT – 3/8/21 Additions
IDW TMNT #29, #55, #82
Three more issues in from eBay today. all of them are Eastman covers. Out of this batch, I’d say #55 is my favorite. Conveys a strong sense of isolation. Filed these away and ready for the next delivery!
High Protein/Low Calorie Life
It’s been almost a month since I started my new diet/food plan. I’m not the kind of person to disparage diets, to say you have to make a “lifestyle change” because diets come and go. I say if it works, it works. With that in mind, so far, mine is working. It’s not dramatic results… Continue reading High Protein/Low Calorie Life
Sleep Tracking with Withings
For the past few years I’ve been struggling with undiagnosed sleep apnea. Officially it’s undiagnosed because I have the internet and know the symptoms and don’t like the “official” solutions. The best of which seems to be weight loss, and I can manage that on my own.. Anyways, in an effort to get a better… Continue reading Sleep Tracking with Withings