Ok, confession time. My family home burned down back at the end of June and I am just getting back up to speed now.. Sure, I’ve done some pretty sweet shit in the meantime, started a couple of new hobbies, etc.. Will probably post some more details about that later, but there’s also been alot… Continue reading The Wagon has Long Since Passed…
Category: Food
Feasting on the Flesh of a Black Cow: Diet Detour #2
Saturdays remain “cheat” days in our household. My chance to set aside my normal low-calorie high-protein diet and strap on the feed bag for whatever I want on my plate. Today, it was a burger. Not just any burger though, we took the opportunity to try another local establishment that’s new to our family, Black… Continue reading Feasting on the Flesh of a Black Cow: Diet Detour #2
Macro Safe – Meat Lover’s Pizza Pasta Bake
Pizza. Pasta. Meat. Cheese. What’s not to love? This recipe checks all the boxes and is perfect for making for multiple people (or you can cut down the recipe and make a single serving. So let’s get right into it… Preheat oven to 350. Bring at least 8 cups of water to boil in a… Continue reading Macro Safe – Meat Lover’s Pizza Pasta Bake
2 for 1 High-Macro Pizza Recipes
I like pizza. Love pizza. I am legally married to pizza in 4 states with legislation pending in 3 more. I can’t live without it, and with my current diet plan, I don’t have to. Here’s how. Look over the above image, you can see all the ingredients and the amounts you need to assemble… Continue reading 2 for 1 High-Macro Pizza Recipes
My First Cheat Day or: My Diet Detour Through Kaiju
For the past few weeks I’ve been adhering to a couple pretty simple rules for eating. Eat less than 1500cal a day, try to get most of those calories from protein. And I’ve been losing weight accordingly. Saturday 3/6/21 was not one of those days. After a brief jaunt to Cinemark for a private viewing… Continue reading My First Cheat Day or: My Diet Detour Through Kaiju
High Protein/Low Calorie Life
It’s been almost a month since I started my new diet/food plan. I’m not the kind of person to disparage diets, to say you have to make a “lifestyle change” because diets come and go. I say if it works, it works. With that in mind, so far, mine is working. It’s not dramatic results… Continue reading High Protein/Low Calorie Life